a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA

Can li printemps fait a lever

Poem (Canso): 
Can li printemps fait a lever
De someil de.l hiver recent,
Tornons al matin a doner
Nos amor a les loing errent,
Por sans compaignes dementons
Que ne savons solaz d’amor,
Mais encor la veille nos tenons
Esperant que retornez or.
Est un charge lourd a endurer
La blessure de vos face absent,
Por la veoir can la rappeler,
Alors ce chierissons forment,
Por en nos cuer vos embrassons
Et nos laions la tot dolor:
Donc l.amistié vos donons,
Rejouissent que venez a.l tor.
When the spring begins to rise
From the slumber of recent winter,
We turn in the morning to give
Our love to those wandering far away,
For without companions we lament
That we will never know the comforts of love,
But still we keep our vigil,
Hoping that soon you will return.
It is a heavy burden to endure
The injury of your absent face,
For to remember it is to see it,
Yet we strongly cherish this,
For in our heart we can embrace you
And abandon all pain:
Thus do we give you our friendship,
Rejoicing when you come to our home.