a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA

N’ai la foi plus des erreurs

Poem (Canso): 

N’ai la foi plus des erreurs
Et la voie de que j’aidié
Que m’amené as doleurs,
Por, mais a tu m’amené,
Dame douz, dont grace n’at per,
De’l covent doi dementer,
Tot savant
Ne sui ton amant.
Cortoisime dame,
Tot j’ador t’ame.


I care no longer for my errors,
And the path upon which I walked
That has delivered me into such sorrow,
For, although it has brought me into your presence,
O sweet lady, whose beauty is unmatched,
Of our meeting I must despair,
Knowing fully
I cannot be your lover.
Most courteous lady,
I worship fully your being.